New Twist in Supposed ABC Whistleblower Story Could Shed Light on Debate Details, with Dave Rubin



ABC said they did not “give the debate questions to the Harris campaign.” That does NOT mean that the Harris campaign DID NOT GIVE ABC the questions.

Don’t let the story die. They get away with pulling the worst stunts, running the worst candidates, and we’re sick of it. They get away with everything. The fact that they even have a chance in this election is downright maddening


  1. That’s a very good point. ABC might be telling the truth that they didn’t give the questions to Kamala. Now ask them if they received the questions from the Kamala’s campaign. I wonder if they would even expect the question? Kamala was too rehearsed. She’s back to her nonsensical word salad that by the time she’s done talking, no one can understand what she said. That’s her normal conversation. Even some liberal stations are commenting about Kamala’s obvious lies during the debate and the fact-checking against only Trump, which were also lies. Anyone who thinks Kamala won the debate is totally out of touch with reality. Also her campaign copying Biden’s issues as her own because she doesn’t have any plans. She’s plagiarized Trump on his campaign promises and now she’s plagiarized her boss. I’m sure many of her indoctrinated fan club will not see any problem with that. They’re like programmed zombies.

  2. Leslie, she did say a few things that were not 100% verifiable, but it was nothing like the firehouse of lies coming from trump. Not even close.

    Where do you check your assertions?

    • Yes, Trump led in lies with a 33-1 victory. He was only fact-checked 4 times, and those were ridiculous lies that just couldn’t pass.

  3. It’s a mystery why anyone would think that a loser with SIX bankruptcies, 20 failed businesses, (and Trump Media next), has any qualifications to run the country. Especially after he had one chance and failed miserably. So clueless about economics that he added 8 TRILLION dollars to the national debt after his promise to eliminate it. It shows what his bullshit promises are worth.

  4. Speaking of Trump’s fake promises, I hope everyone remembers his others: .Mexico will pay for the wall. .I will eliminate ISIS. .I will balance the budget. .I will create an infrastructure fund. .I will repeal Obamacare. .I will terminate DACA immediately.
    .I will ban foreign lobbyists. .I will not take vacations or have time to golf.
    .I will bring back manufacturing.
    .We will have guaranteed 6 week paid leave. .We will deport criminal immigrants. .I will eliminate the estate tax. .We will have a new healthcare plan within 30 days.

    He was asked about his healthcare plan at the debate. (8 years later now) He said I don’t have a plan, just “a concept of a plan.”

    There were 44 other “promises” but this is more than enough to show that his bullshit comes out not only from his mouth, but flows freely from his eyes and nose as well. He is so full of lies that he well deserves his title of worst president ever! We don’t need to get into his moral character.
    How anyone can support the orange turd is amazing and disgusting!

  5. He is no worst than any previous president, no previous president had the media doing fact checks on everything he said, they do not even check the VP to fact check her, she has a real problem telling the truth.

    • They only fact-checked Trump 4 times because his lies were so ridiculous. (like aborting babies after they were born.) Trump has serious dementia and babbles any bullshit Magats will swallow. They also proved he beat Harris in lies with his 33 to her one..

      • Sorry, but Walz just signed such a law into effect in Minnesota that allows a new-born/aborted baby to be denied medical care. Last I looked there were 8 victims already. I am a full supporter of a woman’s right to manage her own medical care including abortions in the first trimester. Walz’ law seems extreme. You appear to be more interested in bashing Trump than recognizing reality. I guess you really do have to be delusional to vote Democrat.

  6. Do you remember Donna Brazile? She did nothing but lie lie lie about the Trump/Clinton debate. Finally she confessed that Hillary Clinton was given the questions before the debate. There was a go between person for Kamala Harris just like Donna Brazile was the go between person for Hillary Clinton. They will lie through their teeth cause that’s the only thing they are good at.

  7. Leslie, you are correct. Cackling Kammy doesn’t have any plans. That’s why she won’t discuss them. She’s a vacuous airhead. We do know this much – she won’t close the border. She also burped that she wants a weapons embargo on Israel. So, to all my Jewish friends, vote for Trump.

  8. Juan, you’re such an airhead. Your idiotic comments aren’t worth wasting my time on. I can’t cure stupid if stupid wants to remain stupid. And you obviously do.

    • Great news! World Bank has announced that the US economy is so strong it’s stabilizing other countries around the world! I hope the Magats still don’t believe that Trump or Biden could tell companies what they can charge for their products? Take an inflation lesson in Economics. The stock market has doubled. Interest rates are going down. Unemployment is low. Don’t listen to FOX. We ARE great again! Keep it that way in November. Trump was a failure we can’t afford to repeat.

  9. What a POS Trump turned out to be. He cheats on every wife, bangs porn stars, pays hush money, is a convicted sex predator, wants to control women’s bodies and pretends he is a Christian! How ignorant do you have to be to support such a loser?

  10. Please fact check yourselves. Your ignorance is blatant
    .Mexico will pay for the wall. (They were paying for the wall, by keeping their people from coming into our border so that we did not have to support them) .I will eliminate ISIS. (HE DID! And I won’t elaborate bc you are obviously extremely ill informed) .
    .I will bring back manufacturing. (Many companies brought their businesses back to the US, and that’s just a fact)
    .We will deport criminal immigrants. (We sent them back to Mexico if they crossed illegally – No catch and release during Trump admin) .I will eliminate the estate tax. .
    He added 8 billion to the deficit..(Obama added 21 trillion)
    (And yes, they DO support live birth abortion – look up the video of Virginia’s previous Governor explaining how it works!)

    And wow, it’s rich that we are ‘so strong’ that we’re stabilizing OTHER countries!! You’re proud of that?? You don’t need to study economics to figure out that every single thing we use as consumers has practically quadrupled! It’s also quite coincidental that interest rates started to drop 2 months before the election. (Eye roll) They always seem to make things look good right before an election. You dems have VERY short memories, Trump had this country on an upward trajectory, we had NO Isis problems while he was in office (but Biden sure fixed that when he bailed out of Afghanistan leaving billions of dollars of military equipment – now they’re armed and back), not a single war or American soldier killed in combat, and the middle class had an average of 6000$ more a year in their pocket. Trump said from the beginning he would not repeal Obamacare until Congress agreed on something better. He was going to leave people with nothing. Congress can’t agree, bc they’re too busy playing partisan games to actually think of what’s best for America. In the meantime though we’re providing free healthcare and housing to hundreds of thousands of illegals. Ever read ‘Animal Farm’ ? If you want to see how a country slowly becomes a tyrannical Marxist overtake, give it a read…educate yourself.


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