NYC Stops Migrants From Working… On Purpose


Many asylum seekers in New York want jobs, but although over 200,000 have come through NYC, only 2000 have been connected with full time employment. This is in spite of officials saying thousands of jobs go unfilled and are available for asylum seekers.


I have a hard time empathizing with people entering my country illegally.

If you’re gonna pay to educate people pay to educate US citizens first, what a fucking joke.


  1. Perhaps New York is waking up to the fact Illegal Aliens simply don’t do FAST work. Their work might be better described as HALFASSED. If one wants decent workers, hire Americans. If one wants PROFESSIONALS hire union workers and not some wino or illegal wandering around on the street.

  2. Start Taking care of American’s and Ship these Illegals back Yesterday!!!!!
    Where did the Common Sense go???

    • You got that right! On the Texas court on YouTube, they had an illegal invader and I said to send them back on their chat, and got banned.

    • Oh Carol, democrats honey democrats! No common sense, no morals, no common decency. They sell their souls to Lucifer for power, money and fame. Just look at Kamala’s rally it says it all!

  3. Looks like the type of jobs the illegals are getting are the kind that still wouldn’t pay enough to move out of tent city. No wonder some don’t want to work. NY sanctuary city, what a joke.

  4. Why not do all this for our people that were born here and need help. Why bring more people here to an over crowded city and take away work from our own people. Very unfair

  5. Illegals might say if they had known what it was like here they wouldnt have come but they dont go back to their country.
    Biden and his gang should have been charged with treason for opening the border!

  6. You know, all well and good… I don’t like the way some have come into our beloved America, but truth be said! If Americans don’t want the jobs that are offered and needed to fill. Why begrudge someone that’s willing to do the job. It doesn’t seem to me that they are taking jobs from Americans, when the Americans don’t want or will not do the job! Some of these people are only trying to make their life and their family lives better! BUT, the fact that the South Boarder was destroyed and allowing them in was caused by voters that voted for Biden, and his attitude to undo all that President Trump done that was good. It’s a horrible thing that The bad criminals and such came in and probably only a few compared to the others just trying to make a better way of life! It all still should have been done legally instead of the way they came in. I don’t know all the problems and issues these people dealt with, only God knows but, it certainly wasn’t the right way. God, is in control no matter what the situation is, and what He allowed humans to do. But I know that the time is coming that it’s all coming to an end, that humans won’t be allowed to do What Ever they want. WHEN, God stops it all to end this world as we know it, and Gods judgement will begin, ending all the chaos! Israel is the place we need to be watching for Gods intervention and what’s coming to be there! Almighty God is aware of everything and He has a plan. Pray for Israel and America! ❤️✝️❤️🙏🏻

    • then it’s time to take away the free benefits they are getting. let them work their way up and contribute to the system. if they are forced to work in order to eat then maybe they will be willing to work and not start out as a CEO but entry level and work up


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