Piers Morgan Gives BRUTAL REALITY CHECK To Paid Gen Z Biden Supporter Claiming Trump LOST CNN Debate



Imagine selling your soul for Joe Biden!! What a clown

After Biden is gone, this kid will disappear from social media.


  1. Typical delusional brain dead liberal,you have to be some kind of stupid to support this corrupt,anti-american administration and here’s proof

  2. As for the Gen Z guy, even if he’s being paid, he should know when the jig is up and just let it go. As for Piers, he’s a Trump hater, but at least he knew Biden didn’t win the debate. Trump doesn’t lie….exaggerating every now and then is not the same as lying.

  3. This post was funny! I do have to say I need a good laugh! That kid says Biden won that debate, did he even watch it? Talking about Trump lied, Biden lied. Biden blamed his poor debate on international travel, but yet he spent a whole week at Camp David so he could prepare for the debate. Trump is going to win in November and I have to agree that once Biden is out of office that kid will be gone. He’ll be sitting at home thinking I should have backed Trump!

  4. I hope this kid is the exception. clearly he has been programed to the point that he will parrot anything he is told. sadly our young can no longer think for themselves. our nation is in real trouble if we must depend upon such as this to lead the nation.

    the problem is that this mindset cant be installed over night. it had to start from the first grade. it started back when government provided funding to support the “poor” neighborhoods and level the playing field to provide equal education for black children.

    This was the foot in the door. These school districts jumped at the chance to have more money for their schools. the problem is they had the same administration that provided the low quality education. They pointed out that they needed better quality teachers and adminastrators. Witch was true to some extent.

    the only teachers who would teach in these districts were ones that couldn’t qualify anywhere else. higher pay was offered by government supplement along with the strings attached that they would provide the qualifications. still sounded good.

    because of many years of poor classroom control the students were still having poor performance. so standards were lowered to help level the playing field as gov. kept telling parents. at this point parents had all but given total control to government as to the content of the classroom.

    Now the true control entered the classroom that guided their thought process. their failures were the fault of anyone but themselves. All the new ideas on how to learn was done to improve their grade level.

    the result was a young man I hired fresh out of high school, graduated but couldn’t fill out my job application form. he couldn’t read or write. he was their football star in high school so they gave him passing grades so he could play. giving no thought to his ability to make a living after he graduated. sadly he isnt the exception.

    many graduate with a third grade reading level. their focus entirely upon making it big in sports. a field where a tenth of one percent make it. The problem isn’t the kids it is government.

    they have created an entire generation of people that are dependent upon government for support and guidance for a life lived in a controlled fall. People that are now told that if they vote for another party that they would loose all their benefits that gov. provides for them.

    because of their limited ability to see another way they feel locked in to support the one party that provides just enough to exist. Until we take back control of our schools we will be taken over by the people that immigrate to our country with the ability to do the jobs.

    they and the political trained minds who will now write the laws that benefit and expand government power and control. The ones promised that level playing field will find that they meant a lower level field they are locked into that only provide the low level and low paying jobs.

    We will continue to see the riots that demand support from gov. programs that cant support a family or their selves. they will become the new class of slaves that have been created. can it be fixed? possibly.

    Even should Trump retake the presidency he still has the rest of government that opposes his plans. his only hope is to stand in front of the people each week and present his proposals along with who is blocking them and how. asking for the support of the people. pointing out that the people can change their representatives without waiting for a new election.

    starting by changing the state laws that protect these people from removal it is time to expose these people for what they are. we have a choice but it wont be easy.

    it will be a revolution but the choice will need to come from peoples actions and support. or it will lead to the violent actions that are always the result of an oppressed people. these never end well for politicians or people. Time to decide and make your choice.——–I, Grampa


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