SHOCK: Joe Biden RETURNS To 2024 Race, Will CHALLENGE Kamala at DNC Convention!? Democrats RAGE



I have never wanted Joe Biden to run for president more in my entire life

Best thing Biden could say right now is VOTE TRUMP


  1. Love to see it, but the Marxist running the dummycrat party will make sure stupid old senile poopypants Joe WON”T run. Like in all Marxist countries, the dummycrats will call the dummycrat hit squad, run by Hillary Clinton, and have Joe bumped off if he doesn’t behave himself.

  2. I’ve seen articles that are saying Jill is talking Joe into running again. The article says Jill wants to be First Lady so bad she can taste it. I see it as Joe being Jills slave and the slave of the entire corrupt Democrat party with Nancy behind most of it.

    • Don’t kid yourself, the one & only calling the shots at the DNC is the one & only BO. He’s been way too quiet way too long NOT to
      be the person in charge. Play particular attention to the fact that
      he will be out-of-sight at most events other than to address the
      attendees once or twice on unimportant matters.
      Also, consider the fact that Biden has caved, Harris is about to cave since naming an unelectable Walz to the program. B O, for what it’s worth, is the reigning SUPER STAR of the Democratic Party!

  3. Dr. Jill doesn’t want to leave the White House. She’s probably been running the country. That’s why we’re so screwed up. Joe has no clue that he dropped out of the race. The DNC should be entertaining.

  4. I wonder what station is going to air the DNC? I will be sure to tune in. I believe President Biden was forced out of the race, and he is going to take it back. It sure is going to be very entertaining. The Democrats are going to lose to either way! Trump 2024

  5. Even in the sewers no one rat rules very long they all attack each other looking to rule …same as communists…kill each other looking for the top spot…just like the DEI program..”hire the mentally retarded they are fun to watch” ..Boeing learned their lesson after all who needs all those wheels and doors and we can still fly on one engine ha ha ha..!


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