Stephen A Smith GOES OFF On Kamala BEING TOO WEAK TO BEAT Trump After DISASTROUS CNN Interview!



Stephen A Simp will vote blue no matter who

If you’re surprised by Kamala’s performance during the interview, then you haven’t been paying attention.


  1. Maybe she was throwing a bluff during that 18 minute rant to try to throw President Trump off? Nobody can be that stupid and get where she’s gotten? Even Monica LEWINSKI would beat her in a debate. And she had a lot of experience in the Oval Office!

  2. She is not smart enough to be our president. I can’t believe Stephen A. Smith will still vote Democrat. Why is he going off on when he is worse by still voting for her. I am disappointed.

    • I agree. If Stevie can’t bring himself up to voting republican, then he should stay home and not vote at all. I would respect that more then some Jack off bitching about his rotten dummycrat candidate then going ahead and voting for the worthless bum. That’s pure hypocrisy, but the dummycrats are well known for that.

  3. What a joke Trump turned out to be. Don’t you love senile old Trump when he starts rambling on about Hannibal Lechter, sharks and boat batteries, windmills and whales, wet rain, rigged elections, islands surrounded by water, etc, LOL!! The crazy bastard needs a padded cell. He is mentally and physically unfit to run a lemonade stand. He needs to resign and let the GOP get a candidate that voters respect. The orange turd and Vance have no appeal to women, or any intelligent voters.

    • ” when a lib KNOWS he has LOST he resorts to name calling” Margaret Thatcher
      ( Look her up !! Try educating yourself. I know it will be hard ).

      ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Hillary Clinton

      • Trump once said “Republicans are the stupidest people in the world. They believe all the lies I tell them.” This is so true. The brainwashed Magats really do swallow all the bullshit that Trump feeds them.

        • YOU are the LIAR !! TRUMP NEVER EVER made such a comment!!
          Your ” STUPID ” democrat cult may believe your bullshit but that doesn’t fly here !! You just post your bullshit to prove your hatred, ignorance and stupidity!
          And you succeed!


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