Tesla Decision to Fire All Their Workers Shocks the Entire Car Industry



Just about all companies, prior to a layoff, announcement will deny computer and other access to those being laid off. This is especially true in the aerospace industry. Too much risk of theft, vandalism and sabotage by disgruntled workers.

Just about all companies, prior to a layoff, announcement will deny computer and other access to those being laid off. This is especially true in the aerospace industry. Too much risk of theft, vandalism and sabotage by disgruntled workers.


  1. This is typical of every company I worked for. Scotty, understand that this has been the way of corporate America for the last 30 years. No, it’s not right, but it is the way of business.

  2. Are there presently any two worse businessmen than Musk or Trump? Musk is totally screwing up Tesla, and Trump has had 20 failed businesses and 6 bankruptcies. How the hell do you bankrupt casinos? I sure hope none of these two ever get any control over government funds. Trump managed to add 8 TRILLION dollars to the national debt after promising to balance the budget. What an incompetent buffoon!

  3. Yes…there are many instances of “failed businesses”. That’s because they TRIED and sometimes didn’t make it. — But consider this: Obama
    never even managed a candy store. He had everything handled to him
    on a silver plate. Consider Kamala – she never managed anything either, just men .. and on her back. Look at Biden. What did he manage but navigating through the layers of mediocrity and plagerising other men’s work. Let’s get serious here. We cannot afford another President O.J.T., (On the Job Training.) in need of shepherding through the certain confrontations with Putin, Xi and that other nut job, head of
    No. Korea. Look at who has surrounded Biden over the last 3-1/2 years even when they knew he wasn’t always “present”. They are the same
    half wits that got us to where we are now and want the power to continue with their sublime “woke” oppressive mandates.

    • Yes, what a failure Trump is. He would have MUCH more money now if he had invested his daddy’s inheritance in the stock market than he has after all those bankruptcies and failed businesses. Who else could bankrupt casinos? No American bank will lend the incompetent buffoon a penny.

      • Yes, it’s hard to imagine a worse businessman than Trump, but stiffing contractors and having bankruptcies seems to be the way he makes money.


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