‘The Five’ reacts to Tim Walz’s ‘cringe’ campaign video




Can they stop putting Jessica in here? I can’t stand her.


  1. Jessica Tarlov is one who would argue in favor of ANY outrageous lie as long as it fits within the party line! Why Fox News has the likes of Tarlov, Marie Harf, etc., is far beyond any semblance of reason!

    • Fox is trying to be fair and balance. This is why they have some stupid nitwit dummycrats on there. The thing Fox needs to realize is that NO network is fair and balanced. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, and CNBC are all biased toward dummycrats, with ABC, MSNBC, and CNN being the worst. Their news is nothing more than dummycrat commentary. Newsmax is clearly republican commentary and it’s way past time Fox opens their eyes and decide, Marxist dummycrat commentary or American republican commentary.

    • They do have some Dem. contributors. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC & ABC. don’t have a Rep. contributor among them. It just shows who is willing to hear opinions that are not their own without flipping out about it. One side is willing to discuss opinions on issues. The other is only willing to con ANYTHING that doesn’t go with their narrative as “racist” or a “threat to democracy”. Fox is not a “My way or the highway” network. Remember Judge Janine being ousted from the stage when invited to ‘The View’? Not very democratic. Right?

  2. Jessica sticking up for tim walz makes her cringe worthy and makes me wonder if she would have taken opened her windows and taken deep breaths to get a feel of what the people were going through when walz allowed Minneapolis to burn!
    Anyone who can sit there and defend that “man’s” behavior is just another deranged liberal.

  3. Jessia is looking more like a honey pot by the day but her stupidity has also gotten more pronounced. She would fit in well on MSNBC or CNN but the Five needs people with a brain and she continually shows she is not a Democrat to be listened to. The five have had other Democrats who came across well but she just doesn’t have it.

  4. How many times did she mention approval ratings for Kamala and Tim and negative ratings for Vance and Trump? Who are they polling? Kamala has to bus in paid people to her rallies. Tim is just a disgrace between his stolen valor, his participation with foreign countries, and now the story of all the money that was stolen that was supposed to feed our children. He’s a joke. Trump and Vance have hundreds of thousands of people that stand in line for days to attend their rallies. Stop already with your fake polling numbers. You look like an idiot.

  5. It sure didn’t take much of an opponent to beat Trump. Biden flushed the orange turd without even campaigning or holding rallies. The GOP must be upset that they ran such a loser in 2020, when any decent candidate could have beaten Biden. Trump is a pathetic loser.

  6. As a Minnesotan knowing how Governor Walz ruined our state, you have to have lived here, to understand that this man is not a leader and God help us if he ever became the vice president.

  7. What a joke Trump was, trying to play president. No wonder the orange turd got flushed ASAP. This time he has lost the women’s vote, the black vote, and all intelligent white dudes vote. No surprise from a failure with 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses. Soon to be 22 with Trump Media and his Liberty crypto coin. He’s really counting on the MAGAt trailer park vote since they swallow all the bullshit he feeds them.

  8. Jessica Tarlov is a die hard liberal who believes the bullshit they throw out there. How can she sit there and defend what Harris and Waltz have done, the lies they are telling us the people of this country? We are done being lied to and they have the audacity to run for office for our fantastic country. I don’t want these lying politicians in our White House.

  9. Responding to Ms Kingsley. I am a 69-year-old female from Minnesota, and I will be voting for Trump. You seem to think that he has lost the women’s vote and you are so wrong. This current administration is ruining our country and you think that Harris and Walz, who is not respected in Minnesota can lead our country? You are so wrong.

  10. The Magats should stay in their trailer park, pick their tooth, and play with their guns. They are lucky that there is no IQ test in order to vote. Let intelligent voters flush the orange turd like they did last election.

  11. Use your brain instead of swallowing the bullshit Trump feeds you. He well deserves his title of the worst president in history. Any other candidate could have beaten Biden, but the orange turd has always been a total loser. Nobody with 20 failed businesses and 6 bankruptcies should have his tiny hands anywhere near taxpayer’s money. He’s such a joke and an embarrassment to America.

  12. Ditto on Jessica. I can’t stand her. Waltz is doing bad he stole food from kids during Covid and should be investigated. Kamala is an idiot who can’t run a campaign w/o a telepromter.

  13. Spent a career in the military & something I learned early is that
    bullying is often misunderstood for leadership.

    What we have going this election is exactly what I’m talking about!

    Apply this discovery on my part to where you suspect it might be


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