This video of Trump’s Assassin CHANGES EVERYTHING | Redacted with Clayton Morris



I wonder how many people will be called conspiracy theorists for asking questions?

I refuse to accept that this was incompetence. They have tried everything else to keep him out of office.


  1. In my mind, there is no doubt that this was a plan from within the ranks. If it had not been a setup, That building would have been demolished by SS gunfire 2 minutes before the gunman fired a shot.

    • I don’t have a doubt in my mind that you’re absolutely correct. This was an intentional hit to eliminate the leader of the race for Presidency. They can’t win any other way legitimately.

      • Having to participate with security for the documents I had to use while repairing top secret equipment, no one knew all the steps or preparations. The same is true for a presidents security. in this way anyone acting to put a president in danger would be shot. knowing the entire team could make someone hesitate should they recognize someone they knew as part of the security team. only a select group of planners that should have mapped out the area weeks ago would have seen the rooftop that provided such an advantage for a shooter. not so for a patsy. they would have been shown the area and told that it was safe. the video that came from the drone he had in his home.(did he have a drone) he waited to purchase the ladder and ammo on the last day. He was discovered by an officer that said he pointed a gun at him. his actions should have been to duck and wait until he turned around and then raised up and fired on him. even if he missed it would have alerted the riflemen that were covering the area to return fire and cause Trump to take cover. why were both rifleman facing the same spot the entire time? forensic evidence shows seven shots fired and from different type guns. time to ask some hard questions and demand prosecution for failure to protect. time to make some noise people.——— I, Grampa

  2. Come to find out Trump didn’t even have the B team protecting him, he had bench warmers from other agencies in the DHS… this is a set up, but the DOJ has their best whitewashers (FBI) working on whitewashing the conspirators!

  3. Unfortunately today the FBI & DOJ & now the SS cannot be trusted.
    Trump should hire his own bodyguards!

    • Na no bullets. a waste of good amo. put them on one of the survival islands along with those louisiana bores unfed for weeks. let them have a knife.———- I, Grampa

  4. Yes this was an inside job someone or several people should be held accountable I pray they are jailed for many years especially with the DEI bullshit thank you God for protecting our President Donald J Trump

  5. There’s no way those in charge aren’t frantically trying to cover up this gigantic turd in the cat box. Definitely an inside job there logically is no ther explanation for it.

  6. WE know the FBI and DOJ is crooked What make one think the security men are not Does seem to be a LOT of foil ups with them on this case any ways

  7. Each day exposes some new information. most expose the shooter as a patsy. With my poor experience with security I received in the Navy, my evaluation sees not incompetence or error but planning that many thought would leave the president dead.

    solving the problem the left said was the danger that Trump put America in. Over six months ago I stated in a post that all the actions of the left that were the efforts to prevent Trump from running for a second term. It is much more than the effort to remove the choice from American people to elect a president.

    The political left is guilty of so many violations that will remove the unalienable rights of Americans. The single goal is to remove all control the constitution imposed. The corruption that denied Trumps election is slowly been exposed.

    The politicians know that should he have his second term would send many to jail and many others removed, preventing them from doing any more damage. He has made it clear the path he will take. he focused on the citizens first. Making America great provides the path for all citizens to succeed. Gov just needs to get out of the way, and we do the rest.

    The left wants us all to be dependant on Government. give a man a crutch and soon he thinks he is a cripple. Stand aside and he will run. He will be opposed removing the illegals. many stating they have the right to freedom. I agree but it is how they get it.

    I understand why so many want to come to America. it is the shortcut to freedom. America took a stand against an oppressive government that cost many lives. when confronted with freedom for everyone we had to fight again. Again costing many lives. for the very freedom that many believe that is theirs for the taking.

    We as Americans stood to fight for our freedoms. why cant they fight for their own in their country? isnt it worth it? They have so many ways to free their countries. many more than we had. The problem comes when we have a government that is in need of dependant people they offer that “free path” to become the slaves they need to insure their power.

    The problem with these people is that they bring all the undesirables with them and a culture that refuses to assimilate. They want to live at the same low standard they left behind but want us to support it with our tax dollars. Trump has understood this and the impact it has had on the economy.

    Taking jobs from citizens who are productive and pay taxes. the illegals work for cash,paying no taxes causing the burden on society. Trump has said many times that he would welcome any who come legally to become Americans and share in the dream.

    the left wants only to infect America with people who believe that we owe them the freedoms we shed our blood for. they tell these people that the rich must share their wealth because they are greedy. What do we do with the millions who now are born of parents who are not citizens?

    I say send them back with their parents and when they are 18 they may use the option of returning as a citizen. They would have a year to become a productive citizen. if they are on gov. assistance that citizenship shall be revoked and they will be sent back.

    Removing this citizenship would involve the same process within our court system to give them a chance to speak of why they must stay. Trump will address the drug problem we face as a nation. it costs this nation billions in health care, crime, and deaths that cause so much pain. the left sees the only answer as controlling drugs the citizens get under legal means.

    Again Trump wants to limit government powers. prosecuting drug dealers not citizens. I apologize of my wandering off subject so badly. While I am usually able to focus better, my age is showing. I start off hoping to convince many of the choices we have for a stable government.

    It isnt just who is running for president. It is what they want for our nation. Trumps message is focused upon the individual citizen and their success. His message is always full of hope with an uplifting message that says we can do it.

    The left has only one. HATE Trump. he is a bad man that has been convicted of many crimes. Told people to attack our government so he could stay as president. told us all he is guilty of insurrection.(never charged with it, or no one else) tried impeachedment, Illegally charged with stolen classified documents. continued assault and illegal removal from ballots in many states.

    lastly as I stated many months ago that they would kill him having no other way. Which would you want. someone who wants and promotes hope and success for America, or someone who can only focus on the elimination of your opponent because they know they cant win.

    While my dementia creeps in with its limitations of my thought process, I still retain enough to recognize good from evil. I do hope that many citizens believe themselves as good.

    This isn’t about who is running but the character of the man and his ability to defend America and provide the justice our courts should provide. Thanks for reading my post. I do hope I haven’t been too confusing.——– I, Grampa

  8. The only incompetence is that they missed.this was a government set up.thank god our cia is much longer are the american people gonna put up with this corrupt gov.


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