Trump ACCEPTS Taylor Swifts ‘Endorsement’ | Swifties For Trump Takes OFF | Democrats RAGE



My daughter is a BIG TIME SWIFTY and this will be her first time voting! She will NOT be voting Scamala! Trump 2024

Taylor Swift will get feminists to vote, but she won’t get masculine men. We’re voting for Donald Trump this November.


  1. Trump ACCEPTS Taylor Swifts ‘Endorsement’… Seriously?? What’s up with the photos? Looks like the behavior from kids back in high school with what you’re publishing. So childish, grow up and start behaving like a man who truly wants to talk about the really issues at hand because all I’ve heard is Harris this and Harris that. People want to hear what you plan on doing for us, the people.

    • Hello Jane Doe. I use my REAL name because I stand behind every single word I say unafraid as I fact check everything I communicate beforehand. You have this completely backwards my dear. Trump and Vance are the ones who have consistently and very clearly set forth their views on the current and very dire issues real Americans are facing and trying to survive. The Economy, the Border, protecting our Amendment Rights, astronomically rising Violent Crime rates, Over taxing private citizens, Failed Foreign Policies and our paying for wars we are NOT involved with, Soaring Fuel Costs, etc. have not only been addressed in a very FACTUAL manner, but they state exactly what they will do to correct EACH of them. Everyone is (or should be) aware of every one of Trump’s platform stands AND HOW he is going to fix them. I could go on forever giving you examples of how Harris has failed at her job. You would already be aware of them if she would give press conferences taking questions from the crowd and openly talk (NOT from a Teleprompter) about actual platforms and HOW she plans to correct issues we are facing thanks to her and Biden’s actions and/or inactions.
      I implore you to please do your own research and stop, stop, stop taking ANYBODY’S word as Gospel. You’ve been blessed with own mind so you can use it to find out the real facts. Gone are the days where you have to take anyone’s opinions and bias as yours. Only you should decide what to think and believe, you need no one to tell you.

    • Thats what he talks about always. He has a plan and we all know it. Hasdis has no plan and is a hiding coward like you!

  2. Jane Doe,

    You are right. I guess this drivel is aimed at a dumb audience that cares about the emotions generated by faked photos.

    I am tired of all the negativity. And, I think the anger approach is really getting pretty old.

    • LOLOL Lynette. Do you REALLY want to get into WHO says NOTHING but negative thoughts and ZERO about the platforms? Dems are the one’s who are running on fear they instill in their blindly following SHEEP and ANGER to rile you up.

      • Lisa, that fear is past tense. We have a new candidate for president and the whole atmosphere has changed 180°. We now have what it takes to dump tRump and the Repubs better figure out a new approach!

        • Oh Sure, Let’s just forget everything she has done and FAILED to do for the past four years. Let’s just forget how SHE LIED for years to every single AMERICAN about Biden’s mental acuity or lack there of. The whole atmosphere has changed? In what way? The way she stole Trump’s idea of no longer taxing on tips earned? Trump also promises NO TAXES on Social Security. Is she going to steal THAT too? You are very ill informed and ONLY listen to the Main Stream Media (controlled by the Elite Dark Dems) who are literally brainwashing you with FALSE reporting and drilling into your head over and over the trigger words force fed to them every day by these forces that be. (Do the words “Joyful” and “Weird” ring any bells?) Is your life really Joyful? Do you really think I and all Republicans are weird? Or do you think putting Tampons into little Boy’s Rooms and encouraging rioters to burn down Minneapolis arresting NO ONE are the real weirdo’s? The Demoniacal Dark Dems actually call Republicans the ENEMY, whereas Trump has always stood by his belief of wanting to represent ALL Americans. Yes, he wants ALL American voices to be heard while at the same time she not only wants to silence over half of the American voices but wants to instill into people such as YOURSELF to hate, condemn and vilify us.
          God blessed you with your OWN brain and you do not need them or anybody else telling you what to think, believe and feel. Please research the facts for yourself. Look objectively at the facts YOU find on both sides of the fence, the good, the bad and the ugly of each. This will give you back the power to think for yourself. Let your OWN heart and head steer your life forward. You have value.

  3. It appears that the Republicans are finally using the tactics the DCAP(demoncrap/communist/atheist party) has been doing for years! I don’t care what it takes to get President Trump back in control!

  4. Seriously? You Amereicans are a lot of stupid ass people. A lot of you are suffering every day while Trump is telling you all he going to make it rougher on you while he live in luxury with his golden elevators and toilets.

    • Richard you are a stupid ass foreigner!! We don’t give a shit what uneducated ignorant people say !!
      Take care of your own country!! No

    • Richard, you’re 100% correct. People, research and fact-check! If trumpf gets back in there, I hope you love dictatorship, trumpsters. He has said you’ll never have to vote again, meaning he plans on being President for the rest of his life. He’ll tax the middle-income class to death so his billionaire cronies don’t have to pay their fair share. Read Project 2025 and be informed!

      • TRUMP HAS NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING to do with the Heritage Foundation’s “Wish List” called Project 2025. If YOU did your research, YOU would know this already. You profess to everyone but YOURSELF to fact check? YOU need to follow your OWN advice.
        REUTERS – WASHINGTON, July 27 (Reuters) – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told Christians on Friday that if they vote for him this November, “in four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”
        Trump was saying that he and his cabinet will have the issues that are plaguing our society fixed so well, they’ll not have to vote based on those same issues again.
        Dems are ALWAYS taking words OUT OF CONTEXT. Which means they pick and choose little itty bitty “sound bites” and put them together to form a thought that has NO semblance to the speakers REAL message. It’s like being handed a severely redacted document and being expected to glean any information from it whatsoever.
        What’s worse than a “Half-Truth”? Taking that half-truth and twisting it for your own gain!!

        • Oh boy Lisa, you are drunk on the Kool-Aid….. Have you not noticed how tRump lies? No, we hear him speak the whole speech. We hear what he says. Then his handlers have to clean it up and try to explain something better to get the votes that he needs.

          • Oh dear Lynette. Are you seriously accusing me of using hallucinating drugs and calling me delusional because of drug use? Are you attacking me on a personal level because you feel trapped in the corner of truth and have no way out? I defy you to cite one word of my post that wasn’t factual and correct.

    • Hey Jim!! You’re hilarious! If Biden/Harris are so great in everything they say and do, exactly WHY do we (as YOU say) need to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”? Are you actually Pro-Woke, Pro-Hamas, Pro-Illegal Invasion, Anti-White Male, Pro-Defunding the Police, Pro-Weaponizing the Judicial System, Pro-Late Term Abortion for any reason? Are you Proud of Yourself for this?

      • Lisa Fender – think – maybe Jim means the cultish sickness that has overcome the Republican Party – and in getting rid of tRump, it can heal and come back to the party it once was. You do realize that the Repubs once were okay with abortion?

        • You and your judgemental name calling! Now I am a cult member and sick in my head? You DO realize that most Republicans are still okay with abortion don’t you? You DO realize that only a very minute and miniscule portion of ALL Americans of ALL parties believe in completely unfettered abortion up to the time of birth for any reason, don’t you? You DO realize that the reversal of Roe V Wade did NOT abolish abortion don’t you? You DO realize that Trump’s stance on abortion is that it is imperative that each State determines their own abortion rules of law because it puts the power back into every voter of every state’s hands to determine their own laws? You DO realize that abortion was legal BEFORE Roe V Wade, was legal DURING Roe V Wade, and still IS legal after Roe V Wade, don’t you? The Republican Party isn’t broken deary, nothing to heal. I have NO idea what you are talking about. If anything, we are more galvanized than ever. It must scare you to death knowing that with every passing day the moderate left are turning TOWARD the Republican party because the Ultra-far Leftists have, simply put, lost their Radical and Woke Virused minds and they know it.
          The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic! (Look up what that actually means) As such, we condemn Socialist, Marxist and Communist forms governments. By the way, you DO realize that it was the Republican Party that abolished slavery, don’t you? Please do some unbiased fact checking for yourself before spewing untruths!!

          • Oh my Lisa, I guess I hit a few red buttons. I will have to answer you here as a “Reply” is not available under what you said a couple of posts above.

            First – I was explaining to you what Jim was saying, but you responded as if I was Jim. And, I do not feel trapped.

            But let’s discuss abortion. You said, “You DO realize that most Republicans are still okay with abortion don’t you?”

            Here are the stats:
            14 states have a total abortion ban.
            27 states have abortion bans based on gestational duration.
            8 states ban abortion at or before 18 weeks’ gestation.
            19 states ban abortion at some point after 18 weeks.


            Some Republican states have gotten enough votes on laws to allow abortions, but you can’t say that it was only Republican women making that happen.

            You say, “You DO realize that abortion was legal BEFORE Roe V Wade, was legal DURING Roe V Wade, and still IS legal after Roe V Wade, don’t you?” No, that first part is DEFINITELY NOT TRUE. I had an abortion in CALIFORNIA before Roe v. Wade, so let me assure you that it was NOT LEGAL. I’m 77 years old, maybe I have lived through a few more things than you have?

            You say “The Republican Party isn’t broken deary, nothing to heal.” Please then, explain why George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Mike Pence, John Bolton, Mark Esper, Ty Cobb, Cassidy Hutchinson, H.R. McMaster, John F. Kelly, Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Cory Gardner, Rob Portman, Jeff Flake, John Boehner, Mo Brooks, Liz Cheney, Tom DeLay, Adam Kinzinger, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, Larry Hogan, Asa Hutchinson, John Kasich – oh, I could go on and on – do NOT support the current presidential nominee?

            ALL of these true and respectable Republicans DO NOT SUPPORT tRump! How is a person like that the nominee if nothing is broken? I only pray that these sane people listed above can get rid of tRump and make the party back the way it used to be – HONORABLE – and yes, I HAVE voted Republican before.

            Yes, you are correct, the Republican Party abolished slavery. That is taught in school.

            If you haven’t noticed that tRump lies about a lot of stuff, you need to do some easy research. He flips flops like a fish on a hook.


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