Who else is sick and tired of the mainstream media? How are they still even on the air?

I lost friends for merely pointing out how ridiculous it is to care about “kids in cages” under Trump when it had happened for almost a decade under Obama.


  1. This nameless MSNBC Marxist, really looks like a creep, whoever he is.

    All these Liberal Freaks look alike, male and female.

    • How do you Tell if they are male Or female when they are demonRAT ? and yes they are marxist, all of them?
      maybe they should start a new country called Marxico?, just south of the rio grande, and we should complete our wall !

  2. The corrupt Demonrats and thier evil minions are totally responsible for the attempt on Trump’s life,they tried everything they can to make him into a monster and when that failed they started with eliminating him all together is the only solution and when you sicko’s hearing that they try what we had here in Pennsylvania and to see the morons online saying the outrageous things they are is sickening and it’s not only the liberal idiots it’s representatives from the evil Demonrat party

    • Trump revealed himself as the monster that he is. About the attempt on his life – Trumps raised and nurtured chickens coming home to roost. In other words he reaped what he sowed.

      • No one deserves what HAPPENED ON SATURDAY. We know Democrats can’t stand President Trump, but it amazes me how any American think this IS okay? President Trump has been put through hell because the Democrats are so afraid of him. I hope what the Democrats are hiding comes out very shortly.

  3. Like father like son. I do not understand why people still blind about ttrups family. Americans should be ashamed of been trupm gang followers 🤬🤬🤬🤬

    • Like father, like son? Could you be referring to FJB and druggie traitor son, Hunter? I’m so glad that you are blinded to the state of affairs of America under FJB’s watch the last 3 1/2 years – you must be on govt handouts because hardworking Americans are struggling. I’m am proud of my President Trump (and FJB!). Trump 2024!!!

  4. That MSNBC jack off needs to have his mike pushed down his stupid throat. But it really doesn’t matter because MSNBC only has one more viewer than CNN, which brings their total to 13. And those 13 are either drunk, high, or both.

    • All “13” are traitors to America. I wonder what kind of perks these mouthpieces for the communist leftists have? I still believe in free speech as long as it’s not threatening. It just makes them look even more stupid
      than we already thought.

  5. If Trump gets back in office and continues what he started we all are going to be crying. He wants to be like Russia, a dictator. Ge wants to be the one with all the power. I am afraid for the US. Don’t know why the young man did what he did but until the investigation is done we should not speculate. This is so sad . I wish God would put an end to all this. What happened to humanity? Where is the respect for each other. Where is common decency? What example are we showing the rest of the world? How can we lead others when we can’t lead ourselves. People please stop. We are destroying ourselves and that’s really scary. God please help us all.

    • Biden and Obama are dictators now and Democrats go around saying that if President Trump gets in, it will end democracy. We lost that with the election of 2022.

    • Yolanda,
      Not very intelligent are you ?? We have a dictator in office now !! He ignores supreme court, trashes constitution, lies, steals , etc and you are ignorant enough to support. Him !!
      Under Trump there were NO wars. Trump was RESPECTED AND FEARED. WITH BIDEN the other world leaders refuse to talk to him ( France, Saudi Arabia, Germany) and the dementia ridden fool has to be led around by an Easter bunny, Jill,Obama, WH staff!!
      And you think he is great ?? Heck I have dog fenced in my yard smarter than this!

    • Yolanda, you’re a stupid hypocrite. Crying for God to help you? No dummycrat believes in God. What ever happened to humanity and decency? Look into a mirror and you’ll see why world is falling apart. It’s idiots like you blindly following the Marxist atheist manifesto.

    • 4 years no new wars. 571 miles of border wall. (300,000 dead from fentanyl), Abraham accords where Israel and arab states sat down to discuss trade deals. Opportunity zones in inner cities. google Trump accomplishments, white house entry. listen to both sides, the Dem party died with JFK when I switched. Hillary and DNC fined 113,000 for buying the russian dossier from fusion gps, listen to both sides in today’s politics

    • Kathy N , no respect, humanity or dignity with the POS Biden in office!!
      When someone shows you who they are, believe them !?
      Biden is A sexual molester, pedophile, adulterer, crook, tyrant, dictator and you support that !!

      As Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID

  6. Yes, do your research. I voted Democrat in the past, but I would never make that mistake again. We can’t go by news media. Go back through history.

  7. My family were democrats. I was raised a democrat. When I voted for James Earl Carter, I promised myself that I would never again vote for a democrat.


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