Trump shooter had 3 overseas encrypted accounts, says congressman



The secret service MUST be held accountable!!

The fact that they let Trump go out there knowing all this is absolutely ludicrous


  1. Here we go Russia groomed him the Democrats will start throwing suspicion on everybody to get it away from them.

  2. if this kid did in fact have those bank accounts then the money can be traced back to its source….thank o blow me for that!

    they have used the russia excuse to death….now maybe iran or radical muslims , anything but admitting the truth. the important thing to remember is a vote for them means chains for you!

    • Actually they use those type accounts because there is absolutely zero trace of who or even when a deposit is made. The investigators into the Biden Crime Family’s many off shore accounts are running into the same problem. They have found over 50 shell companies the family used and they can’t Crack the codes to find our which family members had control of which accounts and they have no way of tracking deposits or withdrawals. Being able to openly hide Millions of Dollars as well as having unlimited access for the accounts owner is why those Foreign Governments allow their Islands to be used by outsiders. A normal bank account has maybe a 10 dollar a month charge while the offshore accounts are charging from 100 a month to several thousand a month and it’s all unfortunately perfectly legal until the Feds find them and start asking questions about why those Millions were never taxed or declared as income. Once they finally find at least 1 owner they will take the account and all the money and turn it over to the Treasure Department. So far Joe’s brother Jim, Jim’s Wife and at least 3 of Joe’s grandchildren have been found to own some of the accounts they’ve uncovered. Sadly for each 1 they figure out they find a few more that didn’t even know about. Since I retired I spend about 6 hours a day reading every bit of news about what our Government is doing to uncover not only the Off Shore accounts but the super secret Swiss Bank Accounts many members of our own Government seem to have.

  3. And just how or why would a simple minded young fool have or need such a thing as three encrypted foreign accounts?????🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 The chance of it being for nefarious reasons could be high!

  4. Or… they weren’t his phones. I trust ZERO of what the FBI says. Oklahoma City, Vegas, Russia. Russia, Russia, the Christian school shooting manifesto, the Orlando gay nightclub, the Whitmer kidnapping plot, January 6, the 2016 election cases they say they STILL can’t comment on because they are “ongoing” investigations…. the list goes on and on.

  5. It was joe biden that tried to take out President Trump, the head of secret service was a personal friend of jill’s that forced to put her in that position. 2 secret service men were squatting down and did not get back up until the shooting was over. They were behind President Trump in front of the bleachers


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