Tucker Warns Of New Danger As Unearthed Footage Predicted Kamala’s Real Agenda



Who else is SICK of this Antiwhite regime?

It’s the people’s responsibility to walk into the governments home and check on them, not the other way around.

This is actually saddening.


  1. Trump turned out to be an ignorant old fool as president. He was totally clueless about economics, foreign affairs, science, history, religion and technology. His only expertise is bankruptcy. He cost us $8 TRILLION dollars in new debt. At least there were enough intelligent Americans to flush the orange turd after one term too many. Guess we just need to flush twice. In 43 days Trump will AGAIN be whining about a rigged election. Poor demented imbecile.

    • Thats it vote for communism and the debt is all Bidens’s -Harris doing. I spent more than $15000 more this year than last year where did you parachute in from Mars? The last election was rigged by DNC operatives I know it you know it…no more

    • Sam, go back to the kitchen and finish your “Fruit Loops”. At least President Trump hasn’t opened his arms to “Tren de Aqua” and MS-13 as Bribem and Kamala have to endanger and murder our citizens!

    • Samuel
      blah blah blah. And you think that Pres Trump is responsible for the 8 years of Obama who is the one let the spending pyramid happen. Democrats spend, Republicans constantly fighting the liberal just print more money theme. Oh, and you claim to be an expert on religion too eh? I would love to hear your expertise about Christianity of which you criticize the Republican Christian. I doubt that “Goldstein” extends into Christianity?

  2. Wow. Think much or always been a lackey? No sense arguing with that. Too smartificated. I will ask if dead voters still count as intelligent

  3. Really, it’s a shame that Trump turned out to be such a horseshit president, and worse that the GOP couldn’t find a better candidate in 2020. Anyone else could have beaten Biden, except the orange turd. He really is a joke.

  4. Its uneducated old blue DNC who vote Dem that love wars. We are in a mess with WWIII brewing w 12,000 nukes a DNC policy when all else fails take us to war your thoughts are anti usa and misinformation w disinformation. US Army pentagon trained retired USA patriot who knows you would not know a good candidate from a bad one with what training and knowledge?

    • JJ, you’ve shown your true color and what you believe in. It is pathetic though, that I think you consider yourself a highly or well-educated person and for you to stoop so low to write what you’ve written above, leaves much to be desired of you and I wish you did not write that objectionable comment.

  5. Many of these Liberals and Communists will be jumping off bridges when the election is over either that or many big shots will be looking for Countries that don’t have extradition the swamp you know, and we all know there is a big cess-pool there!!!!!

  6. Tucker Carson, what kind of a cynical message do you want the general public to embrace with your statement, or do you intend to foment chaos and instability in the country? Look, we are far better than that. Anarchy and mayhem against each other and racial discrimination are not our cups of tea.

    • Kwabena,
      Anarchy, Mayhem, Fraud and Death has been invited here by the Bribem/Obama and Kamala Crime Syndicate. MS-13 and Tren de Argua are laughing at your statement. Are you also happy about them helping the slavery going on in the Cobalt mud pits in Kowezi and Kinshasa in the Congo where 8-year old slaves are working from dusk till dawn for Pennie’s and dying? But Kamala is against slavery? Only if it’s like the broken border where They are letting 400 Americans die a day from Fentanyl.

  7. The racist, socialist hate spewed by Obama and his Anti American, anti white Iranian focused regime is now in its 12th year (after a modest 4 year slowdown during the Trump years). The chaos we now live with everyday is no mistake. Lawlessness and lawfare are now the norm. We the decent , hard working normal people MUST stand 100% together NOW to restore decency and the rule of Constitutional law and rights to America. This is our last stand to fight like hell and do all that we can to preserve our Republic. We can not and will not abide by another fraudulent “election”. God bless and protect President Trump!

  8. Every program that the Dems/Globalist party pushes either prevents people ( abortion, Homosexuality, a sterilizing, mandated VAXX gene therapy etc. ) or kills them outright, ( Proliferating avoidable wars, releasing lab grown pathogens, Never containing the criminally insane, importing millions of military aged illegals who have nothing to lose and everything of yours to gain, etc. ) The Destruction IS THE AGENDA, BECAUSE THEY ARE SELF ADMITTED MALTHUSIANS THAT BELIEVE THE EARTH IS OVERPOPULATED.


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