White House PANICS! Reporter LEAKS BOMBSHELL story on Biden!!



Do you believe the CIA and FBI colluded to install Biden?
The evidence sure seems that way!! Also, the FBI has been hiding a $120 million Hunter Biden foreign business deal. Wow!! The truth will all come out!!

I’m voting for President Trump again


  1. Those 51 lying traitors should be hung. If we won’t hang the traitors, all government benefits should be stripped from them. American taxpayers should not fund the liars.

    • Only 51? I’m sure there’s more rats that haven’t been uncovered yet. How about doing background checks/vetting now on all in office? It’s a tedious task, but necessary and will uncover all of the RINOs in the process. This is why they hate President Trump – he was going to uncover all of these traitors. Stripping them of all govt benefits is just a start. I believe Gitmo is waiting and has been ready for awhile.

      • What ever happened to Lie Detector tests for government employees, during vetting and random testing just like random drug testing.

  2. That’s the reason they hate President Trump, he knows the truth about these traitors & they are afraid it will be revealed. I hope they all get what they deserve for abandoning the U.S.A.

  3. There are more than 51 involved. They are in it for the money, perks and power. Prosecute them and get honest people to replace them. Also, set term limits for all elected officials and stop all the perks they get only because they are elected. We need elected officials who have the interests of the country and the people who elected them foremost instead of their own greed.

    • Agree William. They get too damn much for what they do. They sit on their asses and bitch and complain when the stupid things they put in bill don’t go through. I don’t give a rat’s furry butt if a shrimp can walk on a treadmill. Lobbyists should be banned from Washington and doing business that hurts the people and only glorifies them.

  4. The Democrats destroyed our nation. Obama, is the shadow government and Trump can destroy all they’ve worked against us for. If Trump is kept out, America, as we knew it will be gone. We will be replaced with people of color and quite possibly another revolution will come to pass. One thing I do know, we cannot sustain the way our economy is.


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