WTF is wrong with Joe Biden? You won’t believe this…



let’s face it,Joe Biden is more confused than Michelle Obama’s gynaecologist.

This country is DOOMED if Harris gets into office.


  1. Now, now, now…. Kamel-la said she isn’t the border czar, just ask the democrat party’s news media, they will tell you Kamel-la didn’t break the border…. Trump did, yeah that it is it, Trump did it!!!
    Oh, and Joe is sharp as a tack, but only behind closed doors…right? It just goes to show you have to swallow whatever the democrats tell you, right?

    • sloppy Joe Obiden was a life long racist way before he went senile. The d**k head of the FIBbers said, “joe was sharp as a tack, on his game” when he talked to him. So the debate? You are just seeing things, he never froze up or stuttered one time? everyone else in socialist Amerika said he lost, terribly, except for nutty Nancy Pid-lousy

  2. Everything is bullshit When dems talk. Read Milton freedman if you are economically challenged. Socialism is bad for everyone of us. Exceot geography teachers

  3. Read the 1963 Nikita Khrushchev (shoe pounding on the podium) speech about how “Communism” will eventually (within a full life time) take over the world. Think about it, and then YOU evaluate where WE ALL are now. I’m at a point that only (maybe) 5% of ALL of Americas Politions are actually for the people they represent and not personal gain (well above their annual pay checks). Think about the speechs evolution from 1963 to date…….just think about it.
    Remember this: As the worlds POPULATION increases – the Earths resources deminish (get used up) Minerals-clean AIR and Water- rich FARM LAND and of course fOSSIL fUEL. The sum total of all of just that is INFLATION +++++ …The more people=more inflation=more government people control (except themselves).
    I guess we can say our ancestors lived a much more free life than we have.

    • GOD created the world for US to maintain. He was kicked out of the classroom in 1962, by nine lawyers in the Den of Corruption. He said to Himself, “they don’t want their children to know about me?” watch this…. the next year Amerika became an oligarchy “those with the gold (corps.) make the rules”. JFK was killed by the MIC/deep STATE that Eisenhower warned us about. Now we are ruled by idiots, that are NOT even natural born citizens, or they are yankee frauds from Maine, passing themselves off as Texans? American hating draft doggers and now a cackling hen that my grandmother would have wringed her neck, early one morning, to be of “some good use”. Amerika is going down, soon

    • she/it has been put to good use by some. I don’t call that very useful, unless you are climbing a ladder down into hell…..

    • Love that analogy, we always used that in my house when I was growing up, but it’s so true. This woman is a useless bag of dung that can’t say anything without a teleprompter. Oh, that’s why she was Joe’s VP.

  4. Sleepy, creepy, poopy, pee-pants, Pedo Joe has NEVER been competent. Quoting Obummer: “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to F. things up.

  5. The only thing wrong with stupid old senile poopypants Joe is that he never leads by example. Since he’s a big supporter of abortion he should post birth abort himself.

  6. Doe’s anyone have any doubt whatsoever that “The Kenyan” has been running the Oval Office since the day Bribem raised his right hand? “We The People” were lied to, when we thought we had elected someone to be President! And by now, most believe it was won by President Trump, but stolen by Bribem. Now we learn it was stolen by a group of individuals, and Bribem is used as an Alzheimer’s victim that signs his name, and has his family involved in the treason trade. 33,000 Chinese and millions of others have invaded our country and nobody does anything about it! Meanwhile, China is conducting a silent war against U.S. and 400 Americans are dying from Chinese/Mexican Fentanyl each day. Read Peter Schweitzer’s documentary: BLOOD MONEY


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