Thank God the shooter was a bad shot and he’s dead. It’s no wonder the dummycrats would stoop to this level. They’ve tried everything else to get rid of Trump and now they are desperate. I know the DNC will deny all responsibility but look at the way dummycrats have been inspiring violence against Trump and the people who vote for him, and other republicans. Stupid old senile poopypants Joe threatened to meet Trump behind a gym and fight, notice Joe never showed up. Maxipuke Waters told her people to attack Trump voters. Various celebrities made violent suggestions against Trump thinking it was funny. At this point, how can anyone NOT think this country is headed toward civil war?
Thank God the shooter was a bad shot and he’s dead. It’s no wonder the dummycrats would stoop to this level. They’ve tried everything else to get rid of Trump and now they are desperate. I know the DNC will deny all responsibility but look at the way dummycrats have been inspiring violence against Trump and the people who vote for him, and other republicans. Stupid old senile poopypants Joe threatened to meet Trump behind a gym and fight, notice Joe never showed up. Maxipuke Waters told her people to attack Trump voters. Various celebrities made violent suggestions against Trump thinking it was funny. At this point, how can anyone NOT think this country is headed toward civil war?