CMT PULLS Jason Aldean’s Anti BLM/Antifa Song ‘Try That In A Small Town’ After WOKE Mob CRIES RACISM



Soooo, she admits that mostly black people commit these crimes?

If you feel “targeted” by a song that condemns looting – you are self identifying as the problem.


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  2. No one complained about:
    communities being burned down
    Cops being disrespected
    Elderly people being harmed
    Businesses being targeted by thief’s
    Peoples cars being car jacked
    Liquor stores being robbed night after night
    People killed
    Federal buildings started on fire with people in them
    People eating at restaurants being confronted by idiots
    I could go on about this. You people who cries raciest are the ones being raciest. Nothing Jason did in this video is raciest, what it is facts and the truth about this country under Biden administration.
    I find it offensive to see a rapper pointing a gun at the camera and the foul language that comes out of their mouth.
    I find it offensive to be lied to by the Biden thugs and administration.
    I find it offensive no one says anything about the riots the democrats paid for or the lies they have said about President Trump and his supporters.
    I am offended that conservatives are sitting in jail being treated like they killed someone with no trial and being beaten regularly.
    I am offended not any antifa, BLM or any other group has been punished for their crimes and do mean true crimes.
    I am offended democrats stole the 2020 election with fraud.
    I am offended none of the Biden administration has been held accountable for treating conservatives unjust.
    I am offended that the Judicial System has been weaponized against conservatives.
    I am offended that illegals are being treated better than Americans.
    I am offended my retirement account has been stolen from me.
    I am offended how many people have been bought off by our government.
    I could go on but you get the idea.
    Jason has made a video that most Americans feel at this point and time.
    To call out about someone getting hung 100 years ago is just stupid. Jason was not in front of that court house for that purpose.
    So if this is your play now you better stop and think about all the other places every person has been killed in front of when Hollywood makes movies or Pelosi stands in front to make her think she is righteous or Biden stands in front of so he can tell more lies. If all you have to do is complain about something so you think your are a great person.
    Let me tell you Jason and anyone else the left goes after you will be supported by more Americans than the leftist army.
    I loved this song for many reasons but he hit it on the nail, small towns have a bond you left will never understand.
    We understand each other, we gather together, we help each other. We know where everyone stands. We don’t expect money in return. We are grateful to live in our small towns. We never know when we will need them instead of helping an other. I know grandmas that are better shots then some men. No one ask for anything in return. Yes Jason is right that shit won’t fly here either. It boggles the mind to know antifa can burn our flag and be praised for it, while some one burns antifa flag goes to jail.
    I noticed Jason video sky rocketed and CMT and others will soon learn go woke go broke. Really what is so hard to understand we the people really have a say even if you don’t like it.
    Jason God Bless You for standing your ground. We will buy every single song of yours like we have done with others, thank you. CMT didn’t see what happened to Bud, Target, Hollywood, Sports and other businesses. Bye bye.
    Can’t wait for your next song Jason.
    Hey S. Crow who do you think you are? Better go join The View. Let’s see if you can withstand your boycott.
    Hid Bless American and God Bless Jason.


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