Joe Biden Rubs Black Man’s Arm Sexually in Front of Everyone



If that was trump it would’ve been a sexual assault charge.

If you don’t let me caress, you ain’t Black – This message is brought to you by 2024 Joe Biden


  1. Because my father escaped from Ireland he came to New York. he had no contact with people other than with white skin. He asked what kind of soap they used and tried to rub it off.

    A normal reaction from someone who is ignorant of facts. Biden’s reaction could be from many things. I doubt it was sexual.

    The idea that it was exposed by the very people that were doing many things to protect this man only days ago, now show their hypocrisy turning upon the man because it provides the news real or produced that put themselves an extra point above the rest of the media.

    An action , trivial at best and without proof, used to embarrass this man in front of the world. People will see only this action without true meaning as yet more proof to validate their agendas.

    Which is? providing people that can be controlled without actions confuse the citizens. setting the standards created by themselves that provide what a leader must follow to be a true leader of the free world. Actions that are of no consequence, providing the reasons to remove him as president.

    They knew that biden couldn’t win this election, despite all the plans in place. The problems now come they never planned on. Harris as president. Their use of “diversity” that pandered to people of color just for their vote now bites them firmly in their posteriors’ .

    This has become a true “crisis” for America. Harris is not qualified to run a McDonald’s let alone America. they must first replace her. They will appoint someone that would provide anyone desirable to be president. when they are in place biden will suffer a stroke thus putting the VP in as president, our second non- elected President.

    Someone citizens of the left will vote for. Now with all the ballots that would have selected Trump would be casted for the new left. reviving the new never Trump movement. without history from this new Pres. Temp the left would blindly follow what they are told. ensuring the rule for the next four years.

    Enough time to start the new world war and ensure we are held within martial laws to secure any arms that could oppose their rule. opposition that wasn’t strong enough to overtake the corruption within government. corruption that guaranteed their place on the gov. doles. people used by gov. that provide victims that must be cared for.

    we are told that we owe them because of their skin color and they don’t have a chance because of white supremacy. Just like the story of biden used by media the mindset of a man who hasn’t a clear thought of what he is doing or where he is at.

    We are assaulted each day about what we must think. Media providing us our opinion’s we must have. Opinions that provide our path each day. the path we must follow because Gov. says we must.

    Follow we must and without question, or we will find ourselves held without bond ( for our own safety ). held without charges, or provided with a crime we have committed.

    To be blunt, the emperor has no clothes. presented with the facade that media provides. One that we are told that we have a strong and viable leader. They just are not visible.

    Our nation is in trouble. we are embarrassed daily by the picture of a man that belongs in a nursing home, not providing leadership for a nation. where does the danger lay? Does anyone believe that biden actually has the codes for control of our nuclear arsenal? Then who does?

    We have the expectation as Americans, of the illusion of security. We cant get it from media!!! They turn upon anyone that doesn’t provide them with power.

    Government follows natures way when it sees the leader weak and vulnerable. the tribe now turns instantly upon them, taking them apart, with a new leader stepping up believing that they have control and would never suffer the same end.

    We now witness that change of leaders. despite all the efforts to make this leader viable, see the end and will side with the new leadership to survive. History has shown us what happens. yet we ignore the lessons without learning.

    I believe it is too late for America to recover. Even should Trump become president. The presidency no longer has control over the multitude of agencies that now write laws without congress.

    I see revolution, and not one that will establish control. It wont provide the unity between people that adverse conditions of the past brought us together.

    it will provide the reasons that will turn race against race, religion against religion, poor against everybody, that ends poorly without leadership. Events that will allow our enemies to devide us casting our civilization asunder.
    I doubt I will see it as my days are short, living with my grandkids as my only joy.

    I have been trying for years to inform anyone who listen but my words are from the aging mind that sees danger lurking in every doorway.

    Ignore me at your own peril, whining, not for we, who haven’t the energy left to help.—— I, Grampa


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