LeBron James’ Equity School FAILS



Let me add my two cents as a black man who graduated from the US Naval Academy, served as a USMC artillery officer, then in the State Dept.’s Foreign Service overseas for several years, followed by graduation from a top 10 law school, practiced law in NYC with big, international law firms and now to continue to practice law in California. Matt Walsh is (unfortunately) laying out ugly truths that most Black Americans don’t want to hear or accept. The reality is that black America’s underlying cultural values have created an epidemic of one-parent families with angry and embittered black mothers and absentee man-children for fathers. There are, of course, many millions of black men and women like myself and other black Americans who don’t buy into this value system, and as a result we have generally done well in American society. But far, far, far too many black Americans are failures and the rest of society pays for it daily. You ever wonder why there are so many absentee fathers in inner city black neighborhoods? Because black culture extols immoral and unethical attitudes and behaviors that almost invariably lead to poor life choices. Read any publication marketed to black America and compare it to something published for mainstream American readership. Or, even better, read something published and marketed to Asian-Americans of any national or ethnic group or Jewish Americans. The issues discussed and achievements that are lauded and celebrated by these publications targeting differing markets/reading groups is eye opening. The great majority of young black people for some 4 decades or so have been taught over the course of their childhood in various and subtle ways to think of life in self-defeating terms. Most entire their high school years viewing adult life as a future of unrewarded work drudgery and crushing family responsibilities unless you make it big in sports or other entertainment. Since only a tiny percentage of people of any group can expect to become enormously successful athletes, actors or musicians, many young black people decide to opt for viewing life as one big party while they’re young. If they live long enough and don’t end up in jail for life, then they become an “OG” or “Big Mama/Auntie” in the neighborhood working a crappy job, receiving social welfare benefits and barely getting by. Young black males are basically taught, even encouraged, to focus on getting as many girls in the sack as possible before you die. Hence, the emphasis on superficial crap like bling, cars, obsession with sports and entertainment figures, and a life attitude that betrays a “don’t give a damn” ethos. This in turn results in lots of unprotected sex by teenagers and young adults that results in unplanned or unwanted pregnancies. Far too many black women buy into this sick and corrupt concept of what a man is because they were raised by single mothers who made the same mistakes with their generational peers all those years ago. Until the cultural rot is removed from the minds of so many black American, all the money in the world won’t change the very low academic, professional and personal achievements of a large bloc of black Americans. That is an undeniable fact and not an opinion.

How could a man who threatened a cop’s life on social media run a school for troubled kids?


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