Someone will always dislike, know matter who you are. I try and help at least one person a day. This life is short. Been doing that for over thirty five years. To many stupid, evil people. People stealing cars, robbing people, the elderly, mad over simple things, self centered, thinks a big mouth makes them tough or what they say actually matters, blames others for their problems, lazy, no personal hygiene, runs their mouth with nothing productive. Lot of these people are older. No purpose. The best way to get rid of that way of thinking is to Pray in Jesus Name for forgiveness of your sins. Get Baptized. Then God gives you the Holy Spirit for understanding. Then, try and tell others and help others. Do not let the devil take your salvation. Bad thoughts. Cast them out in Jesus Name. Pray. Faith over fear. Good over bad. Then when you meet God, and you will. He will,“Well done my good and Faithful Servant.” To the ignorant, hateful. “Away from me I never knew you.”
Someone will always dislike, know matter who you are. I try and help at least one person a day. This life is short. Been doing that for over thirty five years. To many stupid, evil people. People stealing cars, robbing people, the elderly, mad over simple things, self centered, thinks a big mouth makes them tough or what they say actually matters, blames others for their problems, lazy, no personal hygiene, runs their mouth with nothing productive. Lot of these people are older. No purpose. The best way to get rid of that way of thinking is to Pray in Jesus Name for forgiveness of your sins. Get Baptized. Then God gives you the Holy Spirit for understanding. Then, try and tell others and help others. Do not let the devil take your salvation. Bad thoughts. Cast them out in Jesus Name. Pray. Faith over fear. Good over bad. Then when you meet God, and you will. He will,“Well done my good and Faithful Servant.” To the ignorant, hateful. “Away from me I never knew you.”