Reported to what, the DNC? The only reason Joy Bullshit said that is because, in her eyes, the 20 year old punk failed. When I buy a box of 12 gauge rounds there’s 25 in a box. I guess that means I should be reported, but then I haven’t been 20 for a long time. When I was 20, I was buying .22 caliber rounds from K-Mart which came in boxes of 100. The smallest box was 50. No one reported me even though I always had to sign a form no matter how many rounds I bought. Joy should put a pair of Joe Biden’s used depends over her head because she has shit for brains.
Reported to what, the DNC? The only reason Joy Bullshit said that is because, in her eyes, the 20 year old punk failed. When I buy a box of 12 gauge rounds there’s 25 in a box. I guess that means I should be reported, but then I haven’t been 20 for a long time. When I was 20, I was buying .22 caliber rounds from K-Mart which came in boxes of 100. The smallest box was 50. No one reported me even though I always had to sign a form no matter how many rounds I bought. Joy should put a pair of Joe Biden’s used depends over her head because she has shit for brains.